Canine Testing
Canine Testing
Hereditary Juvenile Cataract Mutation - The University of Kentucky Genetic Testing at Gluck is now officially licensed by the Animal Health Trust to offer testing for the HSF4 gene mutation. This test detects the HSF4 mutation which is responsible for hereditary juvenile cataracts in the Boston Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, and French Bulldog. The cost of the test is $45 To request a toe nail blood collection kit and submission form, please contact Dr. Graves at
Email Dr. GravesInstructions for HSF4 Dog Cataract Testing
- Clean the foot so there is no contamination around nails.
- Slightly clip your dog's nail with nail clippers.
- Allow blood to collect into a small drop on the end of the nail.
- Take the FTA card and blot the drop of blood on to one of the four circles on the card until there is a blot the size of a dime (at least two circles need blood within the circle, so more than one nail may need to be collected).
- Allow the FTA card to air dry at room temperature (between 30 minutes to an hour).
- Fold cover back over circles with blood dried on the FTA card.
- Place the card in the envelope and send by regular mail to the lab using the pre-addressed envelope provided.